HOME HOME ▶  Our Bestie Pants! Our Bestie Pants!
This week, with the end of the rainy season and the start of the summer season, I would like to introduce my favourite primo pants, which we have grown to love year by year, and this year we are using them even more than last year!
We have already told many people how good the 722 series is, but we have not promoted the 905 print trousers as much as the 722 trousers because we thought people would have different likes and dislikes.
But there were so many people who were resistant to the 722 trousers at first, but then more and more people picked them up year after year, and now most people have them in different colours.
In fact, this trend has also come to these 905 print trousers this year!
Now we have requests for a second pair of these pants in a different colour or material! We have even had requests for a second pair of these pants in a different colour or material!
So this time, now that they will never be restocked, we want you to have them for the last time and we will tell you exactly how good these trousers are!

  • Primordial is Primitive
  • Primordial is Primitive

    QUADRATO Boutiqueでは、アイテム単体での良し悪しより、最終的にはスタイリングでどうまとまるかが一番重要だと断言します!
    This side print is absolutely necessary, so much so that we can say that we would not have selected these trousers if they were just white sarouel trousers!
    Some people may be resistant to this print.
    But that's because they are thinking of styling the trousers on their own.
    At QUADRATO Boutique, we assert that the most important thing is ultimately how the item comes together in styling, rather than whether it is good or bad on its own!
    The reason for this is that boxy sarouel trousers with a lot of white area are too crisp and surprisingly difficult to style.
    If that's the case, white 722 pants are better! I think!
    The black print on the side makes them look crisp when worn with a black top, and the balance between top and bottom blends in!
    And it's this side line with a scruffy look that makes it so good!

We pick up four points that are ‘good here! The same item can be used for us, who both want to make it more rounded and to match it more loosely!
I want the same item to be neat, while the other wants it to be loose.
We both want to dress in different ways, but it's surprisingly rare to find trousers that balance well with any silhouette of tops in the same item! Most trousers tend to be biased towards one or the other, but these are valuable trousers that cover many people's preferences!  

    • " ブーツでもサンダルでもバランス良く合う! " " It fits well balanced with boots or sandals! "
      ブーツではバランスが良いのに、サンダルだとなんだかしっくりこないパンツが意外と多い中、このパンツはどちらも◎ Surprisingly, there are many trousers that are well balanced with boots but somehow don't feel right with sandals, but these trousers are great for both.
    • " どんなシルエットのトップスでも相性が良い! " " Matches well with any silhouette top! "
      They fit slim-fit, loose-fitting and oversized tops in a well-balanced way!
      That's why I wear these trousers all the time!
    • " サラッとした薄手の素材でも透けにくい白だから安心! " " The smooth, thin material white, which is not see-through!"
      A precious comfortable white pant that is transparent in LOS material but not in TA material!
      Every time you wash and wear them, the fabric itself feels fluffy and even more secure!
    • " サルエルでも余裕な動きやすさ! " " Easy to move, even in sarouels with plenty of room to move! "
      The days of ‘sarouels=hard to lift your legs’ are long gone!
      Instead, you can lift your legs and be active without worrying, unlike with skirts!


Long black tops and dresses tend to give a heavy impression in summer.
Just by combining these trousers with them, you not only get a balanced look, but they are also comfortable to wear!

    • ゆったりオーバーサイズ黒トップでも重い印象にならない! Even a loose oversized black top does not give a heavy impression!
    • ワンピースのシルエットの良さを惹き立てながらクールな印象に! It gives a cool impression while enhancing the silhouette of the dress!
    • チラッと見えるサイドプリントがアクセントに! Accented with a glimpse of a side print!
    • 夏の快適素材ワンピースと快適パンツでベストコンビ! A Best combination with summer comfort material dress and comfort trousers!


Most quadrants are not resistant to all-BLACK styling, but most our customers are resistant to all-WHITE styling.
In general, the public is more resistant to all-BLACK!
For those who don't want to dress like the rest of the world, then enjoy cool WHITE styling with all-WHITE and black accents!
And also check out the power of Nostra's inner black tank!

    • アシメのショートトップスで前から見える黒タンクが、グッと全体のバランスを締めてくれる! The black tank, visible from the front with the asymmetrical short top, tightens the overall balance!
    • シンプルなフレンチスリーブで合わせて黒バッグアクセントも◎ Match with simple French sleeves and black bag accents.
    • ゆったりオーバーサイズトップスもアレンジしてエッジを効かせる! Loose-fitting oversized tops can also be arranged to give them an edge!
    • パンツワンピの裾からチラッと見えて、丈足ししたらサンダルとの相性◎ It can be glimpsed from the hem of a trouser dress and goes well with sandals when added to the length of the dress.