HOME HOME  ▶  STEP UP next level with BAG! STEP UP next level with BAG!

そこで、ワタシ達の次のステップとしての提案が、ひとつのモノだけをひたすらボロボロになるまで飽きるまでで使うのではなく、 バッグや靴は、自分好みの使えるものだけを手にして、上手く使いまわす!ということ。
This year, we wanted to take the next step and make a new proposal for bags and shoes.
Over the past five years, we have narrowed down and carefully selected our bags and shoes, and have been proposing bags and shoes that can be used for a long time, that suit any styling and that are practical as well.
Now, five years on, I think we have proven that the items we have selected are ‘good things that can be used for a long time’.
Is it okay to continue selling only the same items from now on? When we think about it, we honestly feel that we ourselves, who introduce the items, are not in the best of moods.
We want to create something new, uncompromising and satisfying!
That's why I think our bag selection has increased in the past few months.
So, our proposal for the next step is not to just use one thing until you get tired of it, but to use it until you get tired of it, Instead, we suggest that you pick up only the bags and shoes that you like and use them as often as you like! This is what we mean.
Besides, everyone has their own tastes and preferences in shoes and bags, don't they?
If that's the case, this time we'll focus on Daniele bags, which are now available in all shapes and sizes!
Of course, Miranda bags are also very attractive and I use them myself in real life, but this time I've decided to limit myself to Daniele bags!
I hope you'll take a new step up by adding a bag of your choice to your existing range!

バックパックとミニボストン、Mami Foglieとパッチワークなどそれぞれサイズを変えてもヨシ!
Six bags are selected as the smallest size from left to right and the largest and most capacious bag on the right.
You can also choose different sizes, such as a backpack and a mini-boston, or a Mami Foglie and a patchwork!
Pick the size that suits you best and use them wisely!
  • ご褒美バッグとして人気のバッグは残りわずか! Only a few of the most popular reward bags remain!
  • メンズ人気も高いのがミニボストン! Mini-bostons are also popular with men!
  • スタイリッシュにPCも持ち運ぶならコレ! If you want to carry your laptop in style, this is the one!
  • 重たいファイルからPCまでしっかり安心! Secure from heavy files to laptops!
  • コレなしではDanieleを語れないマストバッグ! You can't talk about Daniele without this must-have bag!
  • デカリュックもカッコよく!他にないこのサイズ感! The huge backpack is also cool! This size like no other!

このサイズ感が好きな方も多く、先に発売されたMami Foglieをすでに愛用している方は、ミニボストンを発売と同時に手にしてすでにそれぞれを上手く使いまわしている程!
そして先週から始まったSummer Giftのサブバッグも一緒にゲットできるということで、荷物が増えたときも問題ないことから、この2つのバッグがこの一週間で一番人気に!
These two are the best size for the essential items you always carry with you!
Many people like the size of this bag, so much so that those who already love the previously released Mami Foglie got the mini-boston at the same time as it went on sale and are already using each one to their advantage!
And because you can also get the Summer Gift sub-bag together, which started last week, these two bags have been the most popular during the week, as there is no problem when you have more luggage!
  • クラッチ・ショルダー・ナナメ掛けの3役にプラス、ベルトの穴を追加してボディバッグとしても!
    It can be worn as a clutch, shoulder bag or body bag with the addition of a belt hole!
    The simple shape of the bag allows it to be used in many different ways.
    The luxurious silver leaf accents also make it a popular reward bag!
  • 見た目のサイズ感はMami Foglieと同じくらい。

    The apparent size is about the same as the Mami Foglie.
    Plus the extra depth gives you plenty of room inside the bag.
    The bag is made of thick bull leather, so you can look forward to the leather's texture as you use it more and more!
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    • クラッチバッグとして持つとエッジを効かせたクールな印象に。
      Hold it as a clutch bag for an edgy, cool look.
      Conversely, simply hanging the mini-boston on its side gives it an active casual styling!
      You can enjoy the different impressions of both with the same clothes!
    • サンダル&ボディバッグ使いで、バッグのイメージのエレガントさは全くなくなりデイリー&リラックス感に!
      The use of sandals and a body bag completely removes the elegance of the bag's image and gives it a daily and relaxed feel!
      Simply by using a mini-boston as a hand-held bag, you can create a casual yet "neat" look!

PCやファイルが入るサイズのバッグでありながら、プライベートでも使えるバッグでカッコイイのってなかなか無い!っということから注目され人気なのがこの2つ! It's hard to find a bag that's big enough to hold a laptops and files, yet cool enough to use in your private life! These two bags have attracted attention and are popular because of this!
  • PCはもちろん、厚みのあるリングファイルを入れても◎
    Can be used to hold a laptop or even a thick ring file.
    Comfortable and stable enough to take the weight.
  • PCも入るサイズ感でありながら、どこかスタイリッシュな雰囲気なのがこのフラップバッグ。
    This flap bag is large enough to hold a laptop, but still somewhat stylish.
    It is also lighter than a patch bag◎.
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    • 重たいモノを入れても安定感ある持ち運びができるパッチバッグはプリントパンツと合わせてもうるさい印象にならずに◎
      The patch bag is stable and easy to carry, even when carrying heavy items, and can be worn with printed trousers without giving a messy impression.
      The flap bag gives a neat impression!
      Both match the styling without any sense of discomfort!
    • アシメパンツのカッティングとリンクするパッチバッグ。
      Patch bag linked to the cut of the asymmetrical trousers.
      Flap bag that fits in stylishly.
      The leather adds a sense of weight to a simple combination!

Even if the design is good, but are not quite much user-friendly! I had only found backpacks that are just like that.
In the midst of all this, I came across the 2-way backpack on the right one!
I have yet to find a backpack that is more user-friendly than this one!
However, I got greedy and decided to go for the multi-pocket backpack on the left, as a larger size would mean I wouldn't need a sub-bag.
Even when not fully loaded, the beautiful silhouette keeps the volume down, so it's great for everyday use too!
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    • シンプルでリラックス感あるデイリースタイリングに実用性あるバックパックが◎
      A practical backpack for simple, relaxed daily styling.
      Multi-pockets for a cool look.
      Of course, you can also use the 2-way backpack every day.
    • オールブラックスタイリングに映えるマルチポケットのディテールが◎
      Multi-pocket detail that looks great with all-black styling!
      A stylish 2-way bag that is both a backpack and a stylish bag.
      Both can hold enough luggage for everyday use or a short stay of 1-2 nights.

パンツスタイリングのユニセックスメインの合わせだけでなく、Cool Feminineのワンピースにもマッチするのがスゴイとこ!
Mainly selected as unisex items from the men's collection.
The great thing is that it matches not only the main unisex trousers styling, but also the Cool Feminine dress!
Keep the dress and top as they are, but change the footwear and turn on a bag for each!
Each one is a new step in the use of the bag, which you realise by the fact that it changes the atmosphere enough to go from a little outing to daily life and even in a dress for active scenes!