HOME HOME ▶  How to use Belt as accessory! How to use Belt as accessory!
Belts have a major role to play when the waist of trousers is too big, but with the increase in elastic-waist trousers in recent years, belts have become one of the items that have not attracted much attention, while the design quality has remained the same.
In this context, it has been three years since Quadrat proposed the use of belts not only as a size-matching item, but also as a styling accent.
When the product was first launched, we introduced many styling styles that utilised the belt as an accent, and a lot of people really took to it.
So this time, for those who haven't got one yet, we're focusing once again on belts that we haven't been able to show you their advantages and how to make the most of them recently!
Even if you already have one, we hope you will use this content as an opportunity to accentuate your existing clothes and enjoy styling them in a new way!


Three that function the same as belts, but have very different accents.
Each has its own advantages in the same way as an accessory!




Horsehide leather and SILVER 925 belts are simple, yet have a strong presence.
The more you use this belt, the more you can look forward to it ageing.

The best-selling body belt is still going strong more than three years after its launch!

The one-shoulder belt was the first step that changed the concept of belts.
Not only for its function as a belt, but also for its presence as a casual accent.


This long belt can be hung down even if the waist part is hidden by the top, to add a subtle accent.

The buckle is free size and folds back through the buckle.
The leather is thick enough that it is difficult to get through the buckle at first, but as it gets softer and softer with use, it gradually becomes easier to get through.
However, because of the size of the belt, there is a limit to how much the belt can be folded over to fit a normal XS belt...
So, cut it short at the red circle in the photo and sew it back on, so even those with narrow waists can be held firmly in place!
※Cutting short and re-stitching will be charged for.
Please indicate how many centimetres you would like to have cut in the remarks column when purchasing.
The re-stitching thread is the same as the original Daniele thread, so it can be re-stitched shorter without changing the appearance.

ベルト幅は3cmの太すぎず狭すぎないベルトで、ほとんどのパンツのベルトループに通るマルチサイズ! The belt width is 3cm, not too wide and not too narrow, and is multi-sized to fit through most trouser belt loops!
  • カラーパンツにさりげなく映えるベルトは、パンツの魅力もグッと惹き出してくれる! A belt that looks subtle on coloured trousers will also make the trousers look more attractive!
  • カジュアルなイメージのデニムもベルトを垂らすだけでスタイリッシュでクールな印象に! Denim with a casual image can be made stylish and cool just by hanging a belt!


Legendary, this belt has spread the word to many people about its major role in being able to go beyond being a belt and make staring look cool!

The symmetrical rings on both sides of the waist give a symmetrical balance when viewed from behind.
However, if you have a narrow waist, you may need more holes than the smallest hole in the belt when you try to fasten the belt tightly.
In such cases, cut the belt short at the red circle and re-fasten the dovetails to achieve the best size and balance from both the front and the back!
※Cutting short and re-stitching will be charged.
Please indicate how many centimetres you would like to have cut in the remarks column when purchasing.
    • シンプルなトップスの上からサッと羽織ってアクセントに! Wear it over a simple top for a quick accent!
    • ゆったりトップスのボリュームも抑えてくれる! It also reduces the volume of loose tops!
    • 黒パンツの上からでもさりげなくもカッコイイ! Casual but cool over black trousers!
    • パンツのカタチの良さはそのままに、簡単アクセントをプラス! The shape of the trousers is retained, but with easy accents!


This one-shoulder belt is easy to wear for those who are not used to wearing belts in terms of volume.
The thin but firm, thick cowhide leather gives it a luxurious feel.

    • ウェストゴムのパンツでもサッとつけるだけで、ゴワつかずにアクセントとして映える! It can be quickly worn with elastic-waist trousers and looks good as an accent without being stiff!
    • シンプルスタイリングにONするだけで、シンプルな中にもメリハリがでて◎ Just by turning it on in simple styling, it gives a simple yet lively look.
    • シンプルTシャツの上からONするだけでも十分スタイリング力がアップする! Just turning it on over a simple T-shirt is enough to increase its styling power!
    • 黒のアクセントが欲しい時にもON!
      Also on when you want a black accent!
      Gives a crisp look to styling that tends to be bland ◎.