
'Freshness is also important in clothes’, so we will close the sale of light-weight, comfortable and usable winter items in our WebStore on 17th Feb (Mon) until next winter.
Of course, we will continue to sell the items in the shop, as they are items that will be in main role now!
We always want to keep things fresh in the WebStore because so many people are always browsing the WebStore, just as we change the displays in the shop.

Of course, some of you are thinking of buying them next year.
We would like you to get it at your own best timing, but please understand that after Monday 17th, the items will continue to sell in our shop, so there is a risk that they will be sold out.
This winter is said to be colder and longer than usual, so if it's an item you've been after for a long time, please take advantage of this opportunity before you regret it!

    • ラス1となったライトパフコートは、ワタシも普段から着ているほどお気に入り!
      The Light Puff Coat, which was the last one, is a favourite of mine as I wear it on a regular basis!
      It doesn't have the mid-winter feel of down coats or thicker coats and is easy to carry with a backpack!
      The size is originally loose around the shoulders and chest, with ribbing at the wrists for a sleeker look!
      I wanted to wear it longer and more relaxed, so I'm wearing sizeM.
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    • 【Mid-Winter】
      ロングニットカーディガンをINしてさらに暖かさをプラスして、2-3月の寒さも乗り切る! Add extra warmth with a long knitted cardigan IN to get through the February-March chill!
    • 【Early Spring】
      サラッとロンTの上から羽織っても、ライトパフなので生地ボリューム的にも春先に◎ Can be worn over a lightweight tee, or in the early spring because it is light puffed and has a good fabric volume.

    • まずお値段以上の質の良さを見た目にも肌触りにも実感するRUNDHOLZのエコファーシリーズ。
      First of all, the eco-fur series from RUNDHOLZ offers a quality that is better than the price, both in appearance and feel.
      This year, it is the most popular amongst men!
      This is a precious item that has already become a last one!
      If you close the hooks at the neck, it can be worn as a stand neck.
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    • 【Front Open】
      前を開けてサラッと羽織ってもサマになるのが◎ It looks great even when worn open in the front◎
    • 【Front Close】
      しっかり首元も前も締めて暖かさをキープ! Tightly fastened at the neck and front to keep warmth in!

    • お値段以上の質の良さを見た目にも肌触りにも実感するRUNDHOLZのエコファーシリーズ。
      The eco-fur series from RUNDHOLZ offers better quality than the price, both in appearance and feel.
      This item is so popular that there are people who are torn between with or without a hood!
      This is a precious item that has already become a last one!
      The hood type is more luxurious than casual and has a playful spirit!
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    • 【Hood ON】
      フードONして、帽子いらずの防寒をしつつ遊び心をプラス! The hood can be turned on to add a playful touch while providing hat-free protection from the cold!
    • 【Hood OFF】
      It can tie around neck by hook.
      Unexpectedly, whole silhouette is neat!

    • カーディガンコートという名の通り、Alesのストールカーディガンよりもしっかりと羽織り感があり、使い勝手はさらにワンランク上!
      As the name Cardigan Coat suggests, it has a more solid woven feel than the Ales Stole Cardigan and is one rank higher in usability!
      It is popular for its versatility, which does not depend on styling, and can just be thrown on quickly, making it more valuable than its price and making it a long-lasting favourite!
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    • 【Cool Casual】
      チェック柄のコットンシャツに合わせてスタイリッシュカジュアルにもマッチ! Match with checked cotton shirts for stylish casual wear!
    • 【Feminine Stylish】
      スリムパンツとヒールブーツに合わせれば全体のバランスもスッキリシルエット! The overall balance of the silhouette is clear when matched with slim trousers and heeled boots!

    • もっと早くに買っておけばよかった!と、男女問わず年々人気とこの良さを実感する人が増えてく程人気のラクーンジップアップフーディー。
      I should have bought it earlier! The Raccoon Zip Up Hoodie is so popular that more and more people, both men and women, are realising the popularity and quality of this item every year.
      The item is simple, making use of the quality of the material, but with a silhouette that will never get old, and will undoubtedly become a must-have item next year and in the future!
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    • 【Outside Coat】
      ライトコートの上から羽織って、ボリューム感をだすことで暑がりさんの冬も見た目的に問題ナシ! Wear it over a light coat to give it volume and make it look good in the hotter winter months!
    • 【Inside Coat】
      By putting the hood inside the coat and taking the hood out, the neck area is also warm!
      Simple, but smart - that's the beauty of this zip-up!

    • ジップアップフーディーに負けない程、今季人気が出たストールカーディガン!
      The stole cardigan has become as popular this season as the zip-up hoodie!
      Not only can you throw it on quickly, but you can also use it as a cape poncho by putting your head through the loose cuffs!
      This is an item that can be rearranged and styled in more and more ways every year.
      You can definitely have both a zip-up and this stole cardigan!
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    • 【As Stole】
      コートの上からサッとストールを掛けるような感覚でON! It is like quickly hanging a stole over a coat!
    • 【Arrange】
      そのまま長さを活かして、首にクルクルと巻いてマフラー感覚でも◎ You can also use the length as it is and wrap it around your neck like a scarf.

    • ふわふわとした柔らかなニットでありながら、分厚くないのでゴワつきにくいことから人気だったthomのロングカーディガン。
      THOM's long cardigan was popular because it is a soft, fluffy knit, but not too thick, so it is not stiff.
      It is a convenient item to have as it is indoors and to wear inside a coat outside.
      The long length not only gives it a cool look, but it can also be arranged as a dolman-sleeved cardigan by turning it upside down.
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    • 【Long Cardigan】
      Thomのアイコン的白ホワイトスティッチニットをアクセントにサッと羽織ってカッコよく! Thom's iconic white white stitch knit is a quick and cool accent!
    • 【Short Cardigan】
      Turn upside down and pass the arms through to make a short cardigan!
      This arrangement doubles the styling!

    • RUNDHOLZラクーン初となるBONE MELカラーが、マルチに使えるカーディガンコートとなって登場!
      RUNDHOLZ Raccoon's first BONE MEL colour is now available as a multi-purpose cardigan coat!
      Only one piece left, as people who have the Ales stole cardigan picked it up immediately!
      It goes well with black and can be worn over any coat in winter and gives a bright impression in spring.
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    • 【Winter】
      黒との相性の良さを活かしていつもの黒スタイリングにプラス! Add to your usual black styling by taking advantage of its compatibility with black!
    • 【Spring】
      春先の寒さにはデニムジャケットとの合わせがBESTマッチ! The BEST match for early spring cold weather is with a denim jacket!

    • RUNDHOLZラクーン初となるBONE MELカラーのフロントフラップ。
      RUNDHOLZ Raccoon's first front flap in BONE MEL colour.
      An item you'll want to get your hands on sooner rather than later as a guess item for next year!

    • 定番中の定番アイテムとして外せないのが黒のラクーントップ。
      The black raccoon top is a classic item that you can't miss.
      The price is going up every year, so get it while you can and you won't regret it!